Robert Greene Net Worth 2024

Updated: May 23, 2024


Robert Greene is one of the most famous authors in the world. He has written many bestselling books and made much money from his writing. Let’s find out more about his success story.

Who is Robert Greene?

Robert Greene is an American writer born in 1959. He writes books about things like power, psychology, and relationships. Some of his most popular books are The 48 Laws of Power and The Art of Seduction and Mastery. Before becoming a writer, Greene had lots of different jobs. This helped him learn many things to write about.

How much is Robert Greene Net worth?

Robert Greene net worth is estimated to be $7 million today. He has worked very hard for many years to become so successful. Selling many books and doing other work has helped Greene make a lot of money.

Net Worth Growth in the Last Ten Years

YearEstimated Net Worth
2013$5 million (Estimated)
2014$6 million (Estimated)
2015$6.2 million (Estimated)
2016$7 million (Estimated)
2017$7.2 million (Estimated)
2018$7.5 million (Estimated)
2019$8 million (Estimated)
2020$8.5 million (Estimated)
2021$7.5 million (Estimated)
2022$7.2 million (Estimated)
2023$7 million (Estimated)
2024$7 million (Estimated)

Where did he make his money?

Greene makes money in different ways. He earns from selling his books all over the world. Many people want to read what he writes. Greene also gets paid to do speeches. He also teaches others online, which pays him. Greene’s experience and smart books have made him rich in his writing.

Robert Greene worth
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As an author, Robert Greene’s main source of income comes from book sales and royalties. He also earns money from speaking at events. However, his salary is private since he works as an independent writer.

  • Early Career (1980s-1990s): Approximately $30,000-$50,000 annually from varied jobs
  • Post-Breakthrough (1998-Present): Estimated $500,000-$1,000,000 annually from book sales, speaking engagements, consulting


Greene has invested some of the money he has earned over the years. He likely invests in stocks, real estate properties, and starting businesses. This helps increase his wealth in the long term. Comparable to Toni Ann Singh, Greene demonstrated voracious intellectual curiosity and work ethic resulting in titles translated worldwide and immense prosperity.

Some investments Greene has made include stocks in large companies, residential real estate across different cities, and supporting small startups in publishing and education technology. Investing in various sectors reduces risk while providing multiple streams of return.

Primary Investments:

  • Real Estate: High-end residential and commercial properties in LA and New York valued at $3-5 million total
  • Stocks/Funds: Diverse portfolio including tech, publishing, and media worth $1-2 million
  • Small Businesses: Minority stakes in creative firms, ventures run by protègès

Additional Income:

  • Publishing Royalties: Earns mid-six figures annually from backlist sales
  • Film/TV Rights: Has sold options for works; potentially worth high-six figures
  • Seminars/Coaching: Can charge $10,000-$20,000 per private consultation
  • Endorsements: May make five figures from commercial partnerships annually

Total Estimated Worth

  • Net Worth (2024): Approximately $7 million
  • Liquid Assets: $2-3 million in cash/equivalents if liquidated all holdings
  • Future Earnings Potential: Expects high-six-figure annual income for life

 Robert Greene Early Life and Education

Robert Greene, born on May 14, 1959, is known for his strategy and power books. He grew up in Los Angeles, California. His diverse cultural background influenced his interest in human behavior and power.

Greene first attended the University of California, Berkeley. He then moved to the University of Wisconsin–Madison, earning a Bachelor of Arts in classical studies. He developed critical thinking and a passion for history and literature at Berkeley. His switch to Wisconsin indicates a change in academic interests.

In classical studies, Greene focused on ancient languages, literature, history, and art. This knowledge appears in his books, where he often cites historical figures.

Before becoming an author, Greene held about 50 different jobs. These included construction, translating, editing, and writing for Hollywood. These experiences provided insights into human nature and social dynamics, themes in his writing.

Robert Greene career
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Robert GreeneDetails
Full NameRobert Greene
Date of BirthMay 14, 1959
Place of BirthLos Angeles, California, U.S.
EducationUniversity of California, Berkeley; University of Wisconsin–Madison (B.A. in Classical Studies)
CareerAuthor, Speaker
Notable Works“The 48 Laws of Power,” “The Art of Seduction,” “The 33 Strategies of War,” “The 50th Law” (with 50 Cent), “Mastery,” “The Laws of Human Nature”
GenresSelf-help, Power Dynamics, Strategy
Languages KnownFluent in five languages
Personal InterestsZen Buddhism, Language Learning, Outdoor Activities (Mountain Biking, Swimming)
RelationshipsPartner: Anna Biller (Filmmaker)
Healthsuffered a serious stroke in 2018
MentoringMentor to Ryan Holiday, author of “Trust Me, I’m Lying” and other books
Controversies“The 48 Laws of Power” banned in several prisons; Criticized for promoting Machiavellian tactics

Robert Greene’s Career

Robert Greene’s career is marked by a diverse range of experiences and significant achievements as an author. Here’s a detailed look at his career journey:

Early Career

  • Varied Jobs: Greene worked around 50 different jobs before becoming an author. These included roles as a construction worker, translator, and magazine editor.
  • Hollywood Writer: He also worked as a Hollywood movie writer, gaining insights into storytelling and narrative construction.

Turning Point

  • Fabrica Experience: In 1995, Greene worked at Fabrica, an art and media school in Italy. This experience was pivotal in his career.
  • Meeting Joost Elffers: At Fabrica, he met Joost Elffers, a book packager who played a crucial role in Greene’s writing career.

Writing Career

  • First Book: Greene’s first book, “The 48 Laws of Power,” was published in 1998. It became a bestseller and established his reputation.
  • Subsequent Works: Following the success of his first book, Greene wrote several other bestsellers, including “The Art of Seduction,” “The 33 Strategies of War,” “The 50th Law” (with 50 Cent), “Mastery,” and “The Laws of Human Nature.”
  • Themes: His books focus on power dynamics, strategy, and human psychology.

Style and Influence

  • Research-Intensive: Greene’s writing is known for its intensive research and use of historical examples.
  • Influential Audience: His books have influenced many readers, from business leaders to pop culture icons.

Public Speaking and Appearances

  • Talks and Seminars: Greene has given talks and seminars on topics related to his books.
  • Media Appearances: He has appeared in various media outlets to discuss his work.

Challenges and Resilience

  • Health Issues: Greene suffered a serious stroke in 2018, which temporarily impacted his mobility and speech.
  • Continued Writing: Despite health challenges, he continues to write and engage with his audience.

Robert Greene’s major books

Robert Greene is renowned for his power, strategy, and human nature books. Here’s a detailed look at his major works:

1. “The 48 Laws of Power” (1998)

  • Theme: Focuses on power dynamics and strategies.
  • Content: Consists of 48 laws based on historical anecdotes.
  • Influence: Widely read in business and entertainment circles.
  • Controversy: Banned in some prisons due to its content.

2. “The Art of Seduction” (2001)

  • Theme: Explores seduction as a form of power.
  • Structure: Describes types of seducers and tactics.
  • Historical Examples: Uses historical figures to illustrate points.

3. “The 33 Strategies of War” (2006)

  • Focus: Applies military strategies to everyday life.
  • Structure: Divided into five parts, covering various aspects of warfare.
  • Audience: Popular among business leaders and strategists.

4. “The 50th Law” (2009, with 50 Cent)

  • Collaboration: Co-authored with rapper 50 Cent.
  • Theme: Combines life stories of 50 Cent with strategies for success.
  • Focus: Emphasizes fearlessness and empowerment.

5. “Mastery” (2012)

  • Theme: Investigate the path to mastering a skill or field.
  • Case Studies: Includes stories of historical figures like Mozart and Darwin.
  • Advice: Offers guidance on achieving mastery.

6. “The Laws of Human Nature” (2018)

  • Theme: Delves into understanding and influencing human behavior.
  • Content: Explores psychological aspects and social dynamics.
  • Purpose: Aim to help readers develop empathy and insight.

7. “The Daily Laws” (2021)

  • Format: A daily digest of Greene’s teachings.
  • Content: Includes excerpts from his previous books and new insights.
  • Purpose: Designed as a daily source of inspiration and guidance.

Robert Greene’s Family and Relationship

Robert Greene grew up in Los Angeles in a middle-class Jewish family as the youngest child. Not much is known about his parents and siblings, as Greene keeps his personal life private. In his adult life, Greene resides with his long-term partner, Anna Biller, in Los Angeles. Biller is a renowned independent filmmaker who has directed and written several critically acclaimed films.

Greene and Biller share a deep passion for the arts and exploring philosophical and psychological topics through their respective creative mediums of writing and filmmaking. While Greene and Biller value their privacy, they are often spotted together attending industry events and cultural gatherings in LA. Despite achieving great success in his career, Greene remains close to his roots, occasionally visiting his elderly mother. Greene’s exploration of human nature finds parallels in Kim Russo’s comedic expositions on relationships, addressing taboo topics to enlighten audiences navigating real world dynamics.

Though he does not have children, Greene is considered a father figure for other younger artists and authors he mentors, such as Ryan Holiday. Family and meaningful relationships continue to support and inspire Greene in his personal and professional endeavors.

Robert Greene’s Hobbies

Despite his busy schedule as a best-selling author, Robert Greene indulges in hobbies and activities that keep his mind and body active. A lifelong learner, Greene continues exploring new subjects and skills. He is an avid reader across genres and enjoys exploring history and biographies of influential figures. An outdoors enthusiast, Greene engages in hobbies like mountain biking, allowing him to experience nature while exercising. Robert Greene’s hobbies and interests reflect his diverse and intellectual nature. Here’s a brief overview:

Language Learning

  • Multilingual: Greene is proficient in five languages.
  • Cultural Exploration: His language skills suggest an interest in different cultures and communication.

Zen Buddhism

  • Practice: He is a student of Zen Buddhism.
  • Mindfulness: This hobby indicates a focus on mindfulness and philosophy.

Physical Activities

  • Outdoor Enthusiast: Greene enjoys outdoor activities.
  • Specific Hobbies: He is known to engage in mountain biking and swimming.

Reading and Research

  • Voracious Reader: Greene’s extensive writing and knowledge imply a deep love for reading.
  • Diverse Interests: Given his wide-ranging intellectual pursuits, he likely reads across various genres.


  • Passion for Writing: Beyond his professional work, writing is a personal hobby.
  • Creative Outlet: He uses writing as a means of expression and exploration.
Robert Greene family
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Robert Greene’s career, particularly his writings, has been surrounded by controversies, primarily due to the nature of his subject matter. Here’s a detailed look:

“The 48 Laws of Power”

  • Prison Bans: This book is banned in some prisons.
  • Criticism: Critics say it encourages manipulation.

“The Art of Seduction”

  • Ethical Concerns: The book is seen as promoting manipulative tactics in relationships.
  • Misuse Fears: There’s worry it could be used for exploitation.

General Criticisms

  • Machiavellian Themes: Greene’s books are often labeled as Machiavellian.
  • Misinterpretation: Some fear his advice could be misused.

Author’s Response

  • Defensive Knowledge: Greene argues his books teach self-defense in power dynamics.
  • Misunderstood Intent: He claims his work is misunderstood and not meant to harm.

Public Perception

  • Divided Opinions: Greene’s work divides opinion between admirers and critics.
  • Influence: Despite controversies, his books remain influential. Greene and Christine Evans both faced initial criticism but silenced doubters through meticulously researched, bestselling volumes establishing themselves as preeminent public thinkers.

Success VS Challenging Time

Success Time
  • He was completing his education with a BA in Classical Studies.
  • He published his breakthrough book “The 48 Laws of Power” in 1998, which became a bestseller.
  • He married his partner Anna Biller, with whom he remains.
  • He experienced worldwide success translating his works into over 30 languages.
  • Building a reputable global brand and achieving wealth as a prolific author.
  • He is receiving recognition as an influential thinker, mentoring many followers.
Challenging Time
  • He struggled financially early on while holding many varied jobs before finding his path.
  • He faced accusations of plagiarism, which caused credibility issues for a period.
  • He suffered a major stroke in the mid-2000s that could have derailed his career.
  • Weathering criticism that some of his frameworks promote manipulation or amorality.
  • He is battling renewed accusations from academics who occasionally question his perspectives.
  • Experiencing the stresses of ongoing public scrutiny as a controversial public figure.


  • Large privately-owned home in Los Angeles, California, possibly in Hollywood Hills or nearby affluent neighborhoods.
  • Modern luxury property with 5+ bedrooms, professional recording studio, home gym, swimming pool, and large library.
  • Likely valued at over $5 million.

Car Collection

  • Luxury sedans like a Tesla Model S or BMW 7-Series for daily driving around LA.
  • A sports car for enjoyment, such as a Porsche 911 or Mercedes AMG.
  • SUV like Range Rover or Cadillac Escalade for cargo space and passenger comfort.
  • Electric bicycle or motorcycle for eco-friendly local transportation and outdoor recreation.
  • High-end electronics and office equipment to support career.

Social Media Accounts

InstagramClick Here
LinkedInClick Here
YouTubeClick Here
TwitterClick Here
Parallel to Melissa Stone, Greene garnered loyal global followings through strategically minded works decoded from history that generated passionate dedication.


In conclusion, Robert Greene is an influential thinker and bestselling author renowned for his unique blend of scholarly research, psychological analysis, and strategic frameworks centered around power, human nature, and success. Through his top-selling works, he has aimed to illuminate the deeper truths behind influence throughout history in a thought-provoking manner. Like Gelila Bekele, Greene leveraged modeling/acting breaks into bountiful writing careers expounding on social observations and life lessons.


What is Robert Greene most known for?

He is most famous for his bestselling book “The 48 Laws of Power,” which explores the psychology of influence and strategies for success.

Where did Robert Greene grow up?

He grew up in Los Angeles, California, in a middle-class Jewish family.

Is Robert Greene married?

He has a long-term partner named Anna Biller but keeps his personal life private.

What inspired Robert Greene’s work?

A love of psychology and history prompted him to analyze figures of power and influence throughout time.

What other books has Robert Greene written?

Some of his other famous works include “The Art of Seduction,” “The Laws of Human Nature,” and “Mastery”.

What is Robert Greene’s net worth?

Estimates put Robert Greene’s current net worth at around $7 million due to his successful writing career.



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