Billy Carson Net Worth (Updated 2024)

Updated: May 23, 2024


Billy Carson is an interesting man with many talents. He likes to learn about history and share what he finds. Many people watch his shows online. Let’s learn about his life and money.

Who is Billy Carson?

Billy was born in New York in 1971. He grew up poor in Miami. At 12, he sold newspapers to help his family. He started a business selling car music players at 14. Billy liked learning and went to top schools later. He is smart and works hard.

How Much is Billy Carson Net  Worth?

Billy now has $6 to $12 Million. He earns from his shows, books, and websites. Many fans watch his YouTube videos each month. Companies pay him to appear in movies and on TV. Billy teaches classes online, too, that people pay for. All his work makes him rich.

Where Did He Make His Money?

Billy started groups to help others. He became CEO, which means the boss. One group built underground homes. Another explores space. Billy writes books people enjoy reading. He sings and acts in films also. All his talents bring money. Billy shares old stories to teach us new things.

Billy Carson’s early life

Billy Carson was born in 1971 in New York City. He came from a family with little money. When Billy was young, his family moved to Miami. It was hard to live there because they did not have a big house or nice things.

To help his mommy and daddy, Billy started working at a young age. Billy sold newspapers on the streets when he was only 12 years old. He worked hard every day. Billy saved the money he earned.

Billy was very smart. Even though he was still a boy, he had good ideas to make more money. When he was 14, Billy used his savings to buy car radios. He fixed them up nicely and then sold the radios for a profit. This means he made more money than he spent.

Billy Carson life
Billy Carson Net Worth (Updated 2024) 1

Soon, Billy had enough money to start his own business. By the time he was 16, Billy was a boss. He worked hard and was successful. Billy helped his family not be poor anymore.

Though Billy did not finish high school, he still wanted to learn. Many years later, when he was older, Billy went to two very good colleges. He studied science at MIT and history at Harvard. Billy always liked discovering new things and sharing knowledge with others.

Even after becoming rich and famous, Billy still has to remember where he came from. He knows what it’s like to have little as a child. Billy wants to help children today as he helped his family long ago.

Billy Carson’s career 

After high school, Billy started many jobs. He helped others in his community. Billy made organizations to give support. One group helped girls play basketball. Another built underground homes so people could be safe during bad weather.

Billy became the boss of these groups. He worked hard to get money for projects. Billy was good at getting money from donors to pay for buildings and activities. Billy got $20 million in one job to build an underground city!

Billy also ran companies in media and space exploration. He enjoyed learning about science and history. Billy explored how people lived on other planets long ago. He invented new ways to study these topics.

In addition to running organizations, Billy started making movies and TV shows. People could watch him online and on TV. Billy talked about interesting historical facts and science ideas. His YouTube channel got very popular. Now, over 600,000 people watch Billy every month!

Besides being on screen, Billy wrote books that many people read. He even recorded music albums. Billy shared his knowledge in different ways so that more people could learn. All of Billy’s work brought him success over many years.

Today, Billy still teaches and makes programs. But now he gets to decide what interests him. Billy travels the world pursuing his curiosity about life in the past. He enjoys passing down what he finds to audiences everywhere.

Billy Carson’s Family and Relationships

Billy grew up with his mommy and daddy in Miami. Money was hard to find for the family. At a young age, Billy helped by working to earn cash. He gave it to his parents so they could buy food and things for the home.

Even when Billy had his own business, he supported Mom and Dad. By 16, Billy made more than his mom and dad together. Now, he could help care for them instead of vice versa. Billy’s hard work helped lift his family from being poor.

Many years later, Billy met a nice woman named Evelyn. She liked that Billy was smart and wanted to learn new things. Evelyn also enjoyed hearing Billy’s exciting stories of adventures. The two fell in love and married.

Now Billy and Evelyn live happily together in their house. They have no children of their own. But Billy feels like he has big families – both the fans of his work and the people he helps through charities.

Billy remains close with his mom and dad even today. He is thankful for their love growing up. And he remembers how difficult life was without money in Miami. Billy wants others never to feel that struggle and pain of being poor. That’s why he shares his wealth today through foundations.

The family will always be important to Billy. He enjoys having family gatherings full of laughter and good food. But Billy’s biggest family is the global audience he teaches and inspires daily online and on TV.

Net Worth Growth Over The Years

YearsEstimated Net Worth
2010$500,000 (Estimated)
2015$3 Million (Estimated)
2020$8 Million (Estimated)
2023$12 Million (Estimated)
2024$6 to $12 Million (Estimated)
Billy Carson career
Billy Carson Net Worth (Updated 2024) 2

Notable Career Achievements

2008 -Founded non-profit
2010 -Appointed CEO of Fort Terra Nova ($20M fundraised)
2012 -Launched YouTube channel 4biddenknowledge
2014 -Founded First Class Space Agency
2019 -Released best-selling book The Compendium of Emerald Tablets
2024 -Net worth exceeds $6 to $12 Million

Success VS Challenging Time

Success Time
  • Starting successful businesses
  • Marrying wife Evelyn
  • Publishing bestselling books
  • Growing YouTube channel
  • Appreciation from fans
Challenging Time
  • Growing up poor in Miami
  • Family financial struggles
  • Challenges launching non-profits
  • Initial rejections from colleges
  • Criticism from skeptics

Billy Carson’s Car Collection

YearCarEstimated Value
1965Ford Mustang $80,000
1988Lamborghini Countach$500,000
2015Tesla Model$80,000
2020Cadillac Escalade$100,000

Awards and Achievements

2008 -Startup of the Year (
2012- Top YouTube Education Channel
2014 -MIT Certificate of Excellence in Neuroscience
2019 -#1 New Release on Amazon (The Compendium)
2020 -Webby Award for Online Film & Video
2022 -Harvard Certificate in Ancient Civilizations
2023 -Florida Business Leader of the Year

Social Media Accounts

YouTubeClick Here
InstagramClick Here
LinkedInClick Here
FacebookClick Here
Billy Carson worth
Billy Carson Net Worth (Updated 2024) 3


Billy Carson net worth is estimated to be $12 million. Billy Carson is a truly exceptional and driven entrepreneur, author, and public figure. Despite humble beginnings, he demonstrated an incredible work ethic and business acumen from a young age. Through passionate pursuit of knowledge, dedication to various causes, and skillful use of diverse mediums, Billy has built an extremely successful multi-million dollar enterprise and inspired many.

His story shows the power of lifelong learning, perseverance, and using one’s talents and platform to help others. Billy Carson continues to impact global audiences positively with his important messages.


What is Billy Carson’s net worth?

As of 2024, Billy Carson’s estimated net worth is $6 to $12 Million.

Where did Billy Carson grow up?

He grew up in the slums of Miami, Florida.

Is Billy Carson married?

Yes, he is married to his wife Evelyn.

What are some of Billy Carson’s biggest accomplishments?

Some major accomplishments include publishing bestselling books, growing his YouTube channel to over 600k subscribers, founding non-profit organizations, and being recognized for his philanthropic efforts.

What colleges did Billy Carson attend?

He earned a neuroscience certification from MIT and studied ancient civilizations at Harvard University later in life.

What is Billy Carson’s nationality?

He is American.



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